Taming Your Inner Reluctant Discarder

98% of the time, the root of disorganization is having too many things for the space. Most of these things we don’t need, use, or love - in other words, they are clutter.
And the root of clutter is thought patterns which work against our desire to declutter, personified by what I call our Inner Reluctant Discarder - (IRD). Our IRD has an Olympic gold medal in the biathlon event known as Overthinking and Overcomplicating Things Which Are Simple and Easy.

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Evicting Justin Case and Trusting the Universe

For many of our clients, a major obstacle to decluttering is the What Ifs: What if I need this next year? What if I am suddenly unable to afford socks ? Another way to refer to the problem is that they have a squatter living in their house - a tenant who pays no rent, and his name is Justin Case.

Why is it that some people are able to donate their 3rd potato masher without a second thought, and others seem be in a chokehold by Justin Case?

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Healing the after-burn of clearing your spaces

Under the words are feelings of low self-worth, guilt and shame.
I don’t deserve to have an organized house because these other people and their things are more important than me.
What my mother told me about her stuff when she was alive is more important than me living my best life now.
I am not worthy of getting help to fix my house because I should be able to do it myself.

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