Holiday Takedown

Year after year, when you pull out your tattered boxes of holiday decor, you promise yourself:  this year, when Christmas is over, I am going to pack everything away in an organized way. Next year my lights won't be tangled, my wreaths won't smell like mildew, and my ornaments won't be crushed. We can all admit that life gets in the way and decor gets thrown back in the same boxes and shoved into any corner you find in the basement or attic once the holidays are over.

Sound familiar?   This year, give yourself the gift of organization.  Peaceful Place has a Holiday Takedown service which will solve your problem once and for all. 

You could go from this: To This!

Here's what we do:

- Purchase appropriate plastic containers in holiday colors for your lights, ornaments, wrapping supplies, wreaths, and decor

- Take down all decorations and work with you to declutter what's worn out or unloved

-Pack away all decorations with dessicant bags to prevent mildew and moisture

- Label all containers by contents and location in the house.  Labels can be decorative or plain.

- Arrange all containers in your storage area so that they are easy to move for next year.

- If necessary, purchase and assemble storage shelves. 

- Make a list of decorations needed to be purchased for the following year

- Vaccuum or sweep up all pine needles and debris from the process

Interested?   Call or text Julie at (508)246-7866 to book your date!